Sunday, October 26, 2014

Instructions for the weekly status report

Each group should post a weekly status report on the course companion blog. Every course participant has gotten an invitation to post/contribute to the blog.

Here are the instructions for the weekly status report.

Deadline: Please submit your weekly status report every Friday at noon with the exception of Fri Nov 7 (mid-crit presentations). The noon deadline allows us to have the chance to provide you with feedback the same day/before the weekend. 

Content of each weekly report:
  • Group name. 
  • What we have done. What you (your group) have done during the previous week (since the previous weekly report)
  • What we will do. What you will do next (next step(s) in your project)
  • Challenges encountered. Either challenges within the group or in relation to you plans and "external" entities. 
  • Changes in the project. "Evolution"/change of direction of your project (optional). If you have altered or changed the direction of your project (compared to the project plan or to previous status report) - please tell us what and why.
  • Resources. We encourage you to also append other materials, for example a photo of your work process, a drawing/diagram you have created or a link to some excellent resource you have encountered (a text or a video for example). 
  • Other. Whatever you feel is important or necessary to add to the status report. 

Comment: As stated before, not just the final results, but also the process is important in the course. Please see the weekly status reports not only as us (teachers) examining you (students), but as your opportunity to tell us (and impress us with) what you have done lately in your project group, as well as a backchannel to point out obstacles and problems you have encountered.

If you encounter problems that hinder you to progress in your work as a group, do not hesitate to get in touch with Daniel and Malin as soon as possible so that we can set up a meeting.