Friday, September 5, 2014

Some important changes in next week's schedule

It is unfortunate but due to me falling ill, you have not been given proper materials and instructions for the seminar that was supposed to happen this coming Monday (Sept 8 at 15-17).

The seminar is thus postponed to the following week. Do note that we already have four planned activities that week (Mon Sept 15 and Fri Sept 19), so will will "convert" a lecture into a seminar. I will get back when we have changed the lecture hall into seminar rooms as well as directly after the weekend with proper reading materials and instructions for the seminar itself. Do note that this does NOT affect the lecture on Monday in any way - we will still meet on Monday (Sept 8) at 13-15 i E3!

There is however one more change in the schedule next week. We will have a guest who will lecture remotely from California. Due to the 9-hour difference in time zones, we have booked a 15-17 time slot for him and the lecture on Tuesday is thus moved from 8-10 in the morning to 15-17 in the afternoon instead. I can promise you that it will be totally worth it because this guy has a lot to tell us. More information to follow!



  1. Is the lecture on Tue 9/9 still in E2, although the time has been changed?

  2. The schedule has been updated. We will be in V3. I will update the blog post and also mention the lecture hall at today's lecture (Monday).
